Monday, February 04, 2008

Dam Crusty

This is the Moiry Dam. It's possible to ski off piste from Corne de Sorebois in Zinal at the top of the ridge, down to Grimentz, by walking across the dam. I took the opportunity to ski this route whilst staying in Grimentz, joining up with JT and his friends. They are all very experienced skiers, and described the snow as quite difficult! I second that.

Though the scenery made up for any problems I was having with the snow conditions!

After a hike across the dam, a quick break, and then the path to Grimentz.

At the time I did'nt realise that I was starting "The Cold", which was to blight my 2nd week in the Anniviers. I had naturally assumed that all of my falling down and tiredness, was lack of fitness and poor skills!
Still, it was breakable crust, and I spent longer in that sort of snow on that day, as there was no other snow to ski on, than at any other time on skis.
I survived :)...still have the cold though......

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