I have to say, that I think my car is pretty reliable. It's really good at doing what it's supposed to. I'm just back from a long drive to Switzerland, fully laden on the outward journey, and on my own. I pulled up to pay a road toll just outside Geneva, and had to get out of my car, since my steering wheel is on the opposite side to the toll window. I became aware of a really loud rattling noise. Imagine ball bearings being shaken in a bean tin, so I looked around to see which vehicle could be making so much noise.
With a sinking feeling, I realised that I was the only vehicle at the toll, it was my car making the noise! I looked underneath, and saw nothing hanging down, the exhaust was still attached, and the engine seemed quite happy, so I drove on to the next service area.
Still the noise persisted, and drew some attention from folks in the car park. Dilemma, I can't call the breakdown service, because "its making a rattling noise" just would'nt be a valid reason for the callout. No sign of overheating or any other engine nasties, so I kept going to my destination in the mountains of Canton Valais.
On Friday when Andy arrives, he disappears down to the car park, without any tools and returns within 5 minutes, carrying the aluminium plate in the image above. Apparently it's a heat shield from somewhere underneath, and the fastenings had corroded, allowing it to drop down and get wedged somewhere. I must have driven 300 kilometres or more with this thing rattling loose.
It travelled back to my point of origin with me, in the car, not under it!
With thanks to U2 for inspiration on the title.