Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Early Bird......

In our household, I'm always the one to book holidays, early. I always arrive at airports hours before our flight departs, and I'm always first in the line. As we are buying an apartment in a Swiss ski resort, we can stay there as regular tourists, whilst we await a permit from the Canton. Unless of course, someone else has made a booking whilst we debated my early booking habit. Which is exactly what has happened. I need to raise my game if I want to stay in our place.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The English Habit

It's a national pastime to talk about the weather. One set of parents moved to Spain late last year, where they initially stayed in our place. They liked the house, but the weather 2 hours south of Barcelona was too wet and too cold, they told me, and so they moved south as soon as the furniture arrived. Now resident in southern Valencia, our regular phone conversations are filled with tales of how it's too hot, and how they hate the heat there.