Monday, June 09, 2008

When in Doubt, Try the Freezer

My laptop has been misbehaving over the past few days. Initially, it would not start up, so Andy dismantled it, and did "something" (not too sure what though), but it started again.

All was well until the time came to shut down, nothing we did would make it switch off. We left the battery to go flat.

Today, it was misbehaving again, so Andy put it in the freezer for half an hour, and hey presto it started up straightaway.

We have no idea what occured, and could not possibly recommend this route to anyone else, but it worked this time!

What can I say, it's a warm day, and there's nothing better than a cool pc.

Heading out to Switzerland for a visit soon, hopefully life will be more straightforward. Received a message from our agent today, the renovations have begun, and we have a new interior pay for!