It's Sunday, and the weather forecast was not promising, so we decided to head over to St Luc for an easy walk up to the Hotel Weisshorn for Sunday lunch.
The sun was shining as we left Grimentz, it looked fine but hazy as we entered the Funicular, the 1st few raindrops were hitting the windows on the ascent, but there was a large crowd of hikers waiting to go down as we reached the exit.
It was raining so hard that we made straight for the Tignousa cafe to wait for the clouds to pass. The cafe staff were having fun by telling us that we should be happy as we had "english" weather
Soon enough, the rain passed over, and we set off down the Chemin des Planetes, which is an easy trail laid out with depictions of the planets at various intervals.
The last part of the footpath is a little steeper, and the cloud rolled in, but we reached the Hotel without getting wet.
Lunch was great, and it was tempting to stay all afternoon, but the weather was looking increasingly gloomy so we set off in a thunderstorm to walk back to Tignousa. It's July after all, reasonably warm, the rain passed, and we were nicely drying out as we reached the cafe and Funicular station. Our boots suffered the most and took a full day to dry out. Wet feet are not fun, even in July.